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Donut Slide

Slides are almost in every fun park.  They are an inseparable part of  popular equipment and provide great emotions for both children and adults. Just climb to the top, sit in a comfortable pontoon and ride down the route.


The Donut moves on specially prepared track with  speed controled during the journey limiters. Safety is ensured and the speed is adapted to the conditions.It should be considered that the inflated vehicle takes up speed quite quickly and cannot be steered. It moves sideways, turns and spins in a circle.


We offer unlimited choice  of sizes, colours  and materials used. Donut Slide is available in a straight version and with a 90 degree turning points.

Large 4000sqm Indoor Trampoline Park-Zhuhai Pokiddo Franchise _ Pokiddo News.png


With Glycon Industry Donut Slide

Choose Glycon for a Sucessfull Trampoline Business

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